
I’m not sure if I can legally quit, help?

Hi, I’m in a bad situation at work. I’ve been at this job for 2 months and I notified them of my disability before I was hired. I have PTSD and am still learning to cope with that. My boss recently moved me to an overnight shift (12-9am) from my previous shift that was a normal 9-5 situation. The change has triggered a significant decline in my progress with my mental health and I’m getting a maximum of 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period because of it. I’m getting sick and I’m absolutely miserable. I haven’t seen my family (who I live with) for days. I’m having flashbacks, nightmares, and panic attacks like I haven’t had in around a year. When I’m not at work I am terrified and crying. I went back to look at my contract to see if I could quit if they won’t…

Hi, I’m in a bad situation at work. I’ve been at this job for 2 months and I notified them of my disability before I was hired. I have PTSD and am still learning to cope with that. My boss recently moved me to an overnight shift (12-9am) from my previous shift that was a normal 9-5 situation. The change has triggered a significant decline in my progress with my mental health and I’m getting a maximum of 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period because of it. I’m getting sick and I’m absolutely miserable. I haven’t seen my family (who I live with) for days. I’m having flashbacks, nightmares, and panic attacks like I haven’t had in around a year. When I’m not at work I am terrified and crying. I went back to look at my contract to see if I could quit if they won’t move me back to my previous shift for medical reasons. In my contract it says:
“It is agreed that the employee has no option to terminate this agreement prior to the expiration of the term of this agreement and is obligated to provide services for the full term of this agreement unless the agreement is terminated by _____ as provided herein.”
The shift I agreed to was very different from what I’m doing now, so when I signed the agreement (a 2 year contract) I didn’t mind this. Now I’m concerned. Am I stuck doing this? I’m worried that if this situation continues to decline I might not be around in 2 years.

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