
I’m not working at McDonalds again

On phone/English not my first langage/first time posting Last year I was working at McDonalds for the summer to get some extra money. I am 20, so I was 19. One day this manager calls me on my day off, asks me if I can come tonight since they needed people. I had nothing planned, so I said okay. One or two weeks later she calls me again on my day off, but this time in the morning, waking me up. She asks if I can come again, but not for the night, she wants me there in 30min. Alright, I live really close to the place, and since I was already awake I figured why not. Next week, same thing happens : she calls me at like 6:30PM and asks if I can work at 8PM. Except this time I was out of town and would only come back…

On phone/English not my first langage/first time posting

Last year I was working at McDonalds for the summer to get some extra money. I am 20, so I was 19.

One day this manager calls me on my day off, asks me if I can come tonight since they needed people. I had nothing planned, so I said okay.
One or two weeks later she calls me again on my day off, but this time in the morning, waking me up. She asks if I can come again, but not for the night, she wants me there in 30min. Alright, I live really close to the place, and since I was already awake I figured why not.
Next week, same thing happens : she calls me at like 6:30PM and asks if I can work at 8PM. Except this time I was out of town and would only come back late in the evening, so I said no. She doesn't reply. I think maybe she didn't hear me ? So I repeat myself, sorry I can't come I'm not in town. Still no answer, maybe the call was cut off ? Hello, do you hear me ? And I hear her hanging up.
I shit you not, as soon as I said no she stoped talking and just hung up on me.

Not the single thing that happened with that manager, she was really disrespectful and I could not stand her. Once she yelled at me after a really long rush because she had received complaints from customers because I messed something up in their order, I mean I had been here for barely a month, put into a huge rush alone at my post, had to handle maybe 100 orders while getting yelled at becaude we weren't fast enough, obviously I'm gonna make mistakes. I was really tired and she had been a pain in the ass the whole shift so I yelled back at her, so she decided to play the victim like I'm the one attacking her. “I don't enjoy the way you talk to me”, yeah no shit you think I enjoy the way you do ?

This particular manager was an asshole, but the hole place was a mess. Managers giving contradictory instructions. Poor training, one time I was too slow when closing the restaurant and I had no idea what I was doing, got yelled at by the manager, because the girl who trained me (5 min) had started working here 2 weeks before me and didn't know what she was doing either. Or this colleague who wasn't even my superior, always had something to say about my work, the way I held the broom, the order in which I emptied the trash cans, the cheese repartition on the salads, she always knew better than everyone. She felt entitled to do that because she was one of the managers' wife, same manager who was hitting on my 19yo colleague even though he was 30.

This job was shit, constantly standing, feet and back extremely painful, either nothing to do or too much at the same time. Once I had to clean the tables 3 times in 2 hours even though NOBODY had entered the restaurant, because they absolutely refused to see us doing nothing.

When I wasn't at work I spent my time sleeping, I was super tired and couldn't do anything else. Was supposed to work there for 3 months, quit after 2.

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