
I’m on the edge

I work in healthcare. I am required to meet a productivity each week (i.e- see a certain amount of patients) I have been with my company for almost five years but I recently moved to a new area and I was able to stay with this company. The new area I'm in is struggling to find me patients due to competition with other medical companies. Because of this I have not met my productivity in a while. We are expected to work with nurses and directors to find people who need our services which I have been doing (2-3 meetings a week, doing non billable things to build rapport, get insurance information, calling people) I also have somewhat of a leadership position where I help onboard people and educate on insurance and documentation. While I do not meet my productivity each week if you look solely based on seeing patients,…

I work in healthcare. I am required to meet a productivity each week (i.e- see a certain amount of patients) I have been with my company for almost five years but I recently moved to a new area and I was able to stay with this company. The new area I'm in is struggling to find me patients due to competition with other medical companies. Because of this I have not met my productivity in a while. We are expected to work with nurses and directors to find people who need our services which I have been doing (2-3 meetings a week, doing non billable things to build rapport, get insurance information, calling people) I also have somewhat of a leadership position where I help onboard people and educate on insurance and documentation. While I do not meet my productivity each week if you look solely based on seeing patients, I am doing a lot of leg work in other ways. I am salaried at part time and I also have another job.

Today my boss tells me she needs me to drive an hour and half to another location to see patients once a week for the foreseeable future until someone is hired there. I tried to stand my ground. There is another employee who also does not meet her productivity but she is salaried at full time. My boss basically says I want you to do it instead of her.

I say I feel like I'm being punished because we don't have enough people here when it's not my fault. Basically her response is you are expected to drive because you are not meeting productivity and because you have this leadership position you can't really argue (not what she said but basically how I perceived it). I really tried to push back and hold my ground but I felt like I had no choice.

So I'm “trying it out” for a week. But I am so pissed right now, I am debating telling them I'm stepping down from my leadership role and going to hourly. I used to be valued at this job then but I moved and got a new boss and it's not the same. I'm anxious about work all the time and everytime I get an email from my boss I'm not able to relax.

Ugh. I got into this career to help people and the system is pushing me away.

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