
I’m only six weeks into this job and I have to get high on my breaks to cope with it

it's an office job and we're so short staffed that I get screamed at almost every call. On top of it all of our products are on back order because of gestures to the state of the world. If I'm not being screamed at because there's only 7 people taking calls I'm being screamed at because of back orders or how so and so is gonna cancel because his product hasn't come back from Japan yet. Like grocery stores can't even fucking keep their shelves stocked. Society is about to collapse but your day is ruined because you had to hold 15 minutes. I hate people. I hate working. I hate the state of things. I just needed to rant.

it's an office job and we're so short staffed that I get screamed at almost every call. On top of it all of our products are on back order because of gestures to the state of the world. If I'm not being screamed at because there's only 7 people taking calls I'm being screamed at because of back orders or how so and so is gonna cancel because his product hasn't come back from Japan yet. Like grocery stores can't even fucking keep their shelves stocked. Society is about to collapse but your day is ruined because you had to hold 15 minutes. I hate people. I hate working. I hate the state of things. I just needed to rant.

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