
I’m paid well, I work from home and I love what I do. But it’s not enough because people in charge are always the problem.

Let me preface two things: I'm a freelancer, so I'm not talking about my boss but about someone who shares his clients with me – that kind of makes him in a power position, he's also a senior and I'm not, but I'm not hired nor his employee. And I'm not English native so bare with me if this gets messy sometimes or I choose my words poorly. Basically, as in the title: I'm paid well, I work from the comfort of my home, I love what I do and I feel very lucky to be able to do it. But then I have to interact with my clients or the people who give me money, basically, and suddenly everything gets awful. Like today. After 7 months of flawless work on my accounts I make a mistake. It was my fault, but not entirely, because this person who gives me…

Let me preface two things: I'm a freelancer, so I'm not talking about my boss but about someone who shares his clients with me – that kind of makes him in a power position, he's also a senior and I'm not, but I'm not hired nor his employee.

And I'm not English native so bare with me if this gets messy sometimes or I choose my words poorly.

Basically, as in the title: I'm paid well, I work from the comfort of my home, I love what I do and I feel very lucky to be able to do it. But then I have to interact with my clients or the people who give me money, basically, and suddenly everything gets awful.

Like today. After 7 months of flawless work on my accounts I make a mistake. It was my fault, but not entirely, because this person who gives me clients (let's call him B) gave me terrible instructions, in 5 different emails, didn't answer to all my doubts and expected me to understand his cryptic explanations without even having a piece of paper as a support.

B made my day hell. I got 2 emails from him, he contacted on my private phone, all to lecture me about my mistake, insisting that “your mistake costed our client money”. Last month I made the client spare money, this time I made a mistake and he spent a little more. Obviously, he only noticed the latter.

So right now I don't like my work. I didn't enjoy working on the accounts after our discussion (because I told him off, even though I can't lose him because it pays well), I'm anxious everything I do, I don't want to hear from him ever again even if I'll have to.

We had a good relationship, actually, but I was a fool to think that the human part could play a part here. Apparently we're not human, we're not allowed to make mistakes, if we make them we need to pay with our mental health, and working isn't something you can ever enjoy because eventually you will run into a piece of shit who has the upper hand and will let you know that.

Fuck this. I hate working and I hate working with people who care only about money.

Sorry, just a rant.

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