
I’m posting a yelp review to a job I quit due to the toxic environment, does it read ok

“Toxic work environment. Most staff have been there for years, they’re having trouble keeping new people to fill some roles. Very “cliquey” and if you’re not in, you’re just not in. I was bullied by one member from the start, with insults thrown directly in my face or discussed within earshot. Called me dumb, called me an idiot, loudly complained about me to other staff where I could hear, just petty stuff like that etc. asking around I wasn’t the only one who received name calling. Escalated to just yelling at me. When I reported to my manager, the assistant to the owner stepped up the abuse as well. My work was undone(?) as soon as I would leave the building. Displays I set up were taken down, and never replaced, just taken down to make a point. I was sent to work in the back, even scolded for trying…

“Toxic work environment. Most staff have been there for years, they’re having trouble keeping new people to fill some roles. Very “cliquey” and if you’re not in, you’re just not in. I was bullied by one member from the start, with insults thrown directly in my face or discussed within earshot. Called me dumb, called me an idiot, loudly complained about me to other staff where I could hear, just petty stuff like that etc. asking around I wasn’t the only one who received name calling. Escalated to just yelling at me. When I reported to my manager, the assistant to the owner stepped up the abuse as well. My work was undone(?) as soon as I would leave the building. Displays I set up were taken down, and never replaced, just taken down to make a point. I was sent to work in the back, even scolded for trying to help up front. Reporting didn’t help only made things much worse. They also screwed up my unemployment, I wonder if they dragged it out intentionally in the hopes that I would quit before my case was processed. I quit just before being there a year, I walked out once I confirmed just who was undoing my work. Would have never expected such pettiness from someone in such an important position. “

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