
I’m probably getting fired tomorrow and I honest to god don’t care anymore.

So the other day I went to check my schedule to see what I would be working. I quickly noticed that I was not scheduled for the next 4 weeks but all of my coworkers are, so I quickly texted my boss asking what was going on. About an hour later (with no response) my anxiety had really kicked in and I asked “I’m not being fired am I?” Her response (copy and pasted from the text message) “Hey (my name) I’ll be in on Saturday morning and would love to talk then!” She had deliberately ignored my question. I asked my team lead to find out what he could and even though he dosnt know what’s going on he’s said it looks like I am getting fired. I’ve got 3 theories as to why I might be getting sacked: 1 I'm getting fired for requesting vacation time (like our…

So the other day I went to check my schedule to see what I would be working. I quickly noticed that I was not scheduled for the next 4 weeks but all of my coworkers are, so I quickly texted my boss asking what was going on. About an hour later (with no response) my anxiety had really kicked in and I asked “I’m not being fired am I?”

Her response (copy and pasted from the text message)
“Hey (my name) I’ll be in on Saturday morning and would love to talk then!”

She had deliberately ignored my question. I asked my team lead to find out what he could and even though he dosnt know what’s going on he’s said it looks like I am getting fired.

I’ve got 3 theories as to why I might be getting sacked:

1 I'm getting fired for requesting vacation time (like our previous general manager did)

2 recently $20 went missing from our cash bag and even though I didn't do it ( probably the two idiots who didn't count cash two days in a row before) I get the feeling I’m gonna get blamed for it.

3 (The most likely option) I recently requested a raise and it's supposed to go into effect soon.

I’m pissed but honestly there’s a part of me that dosnt care. I make $0.75 above colorado minimum wage and I’ve already got another job interview scheduled.

Should I even bother showing up to work tomorrow? Or should I just sleep in?

P.s. unfortunately all of us are at will employees.

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