
I’m probably going to be fired soon for working a 12 hour shift for a DSP

lol. I started delivering packages for “Amazon” about 3 weeks ago. I got to work and noticed they nearly DOUBLED my daily workload. Basically means I’m covering two shifts today. Im loading the packages onto my truck and it is PACKED to the point that I didn’t even have a lane to walk through. Not only that, but I check my phone and I have to drive AN HOUR before I can even start delivering 🤦‍️ anyways, I’m out there and I can already tell it’s going to be a long day. I can’t find certain packages so I mark them as missing and plan on delivering them later. I texted dispatch asking if someone could take some packages but no response. I started work at 10 and got off at 10:15.. Here’s the worst part. When I finally got back, the manager or whatever said he needed to talk…

lol. I started delivering packages for “Amazon” about 3 weeks ago. I got to work and noticed they nearly DOUBLED my daily workload. Basically means I’m covering two shifts today. Im loading the packages onto my truck and it is PACKED to the point that I didn’t even have a lane to walk through. Not only that, but I check my phone and I have to drive AN HOUR before I can even start delivering 🤦‍️

anyways, I’m out there and I can already tell it’s going to be a long day. I can’t find certain packages so I mark them as missing and plan on delivering them later. I texted dispatch asking if someone could take some packages but no response. I started work at 10 and got off at 10:15..

Here’s the worst part. When I finally got back, the manager or whatever said he needed to talk to me. He said I was costing the company money by working a 12 hour shift, this wouldn’t of happened if I “organized” my truck, and that i’d most likely be getting a “verbal warning”. He also said he’d be putting the extra 15 mins on tomorrows shift and that nobody was in my delivering area so there’s nothing he could do. I straight up asked him if I was fired and he said most likely not and that he’d “talk to his superiors” and get back to me tomorrow.

What do you expect me to do? Run faster? I’m literally working two shifts and you get mad at me because I’m late? GIVE ME LESS PACKAGES THEN

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