
I’m probably gonna get fired in October, and at this point, I really don’t care anymore

I started working for the local municipality as a water filtration operator trainee. I was given three years to get my licence. Since I've been working here, I've taken the test 5 times and failed all of the attempts by 1-2 points. The test has a 30% pass rate and they're looking to only make it harder, even though there's already an operator shortage. There's evidence of it in my plant. We have 4 shift work operators and haven't had a successful applicant in two years. The reason why i say it will be October when i get fired is because my three year mark hits in October and it will be the end of my training period. Per the agreement I signed, if i don't have my license by the end of my training period I'm fired. I understand and that's well within their right. However, at the height…

I started working for the local municipality as a water filtration operator trainee. I was given three years to get my licence. Since I've been working here, I've taken the test 5 times and failed all of the attempts by 1-2 points. The test has a 30% pass rate and they're looking to only make it harder, even though there's already an operator shortage. There's evidence of it in my plant. We have 4 shift work operators and haven't had a successful applicant in two years.

The reason why i say it will be October when i get fired is because my three year mark hits in October and it will be the end of my training period. Per the agreement I signed, if i don't have my license by the end of my training period I'm fired. I understand and that's well within their right. However, at the height of COVID they extended someone's training period as they faced the same issue i do now. They extended it by six months, he passed got put into rotation. I asked for similar treatment back at the beginning of the year, citing them doing it for someone else, and also the fact that if i lose my job the state will take over because we won't have enough bodies on hand to run the plant. They told me yes to my face that they would give me six months, but wouldn't give it to me in writing. I overheard a conversation between my director and my supervisor talking about how my separation in October if my test is not passed.

All my fucks to give left at that moment. I understand policy is policy, but don't fucking lie to your employees about something you're going to do and then renege on it. So now here i am 3 months until my potential separation. I'm taking the test one more time and if i pass, great. I'll probably stay until the end of the year and then leave anyways. If i don't, fuck it. No skin off my back.

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