
I’m quitting bc no raise, only to here they’re giving out raises and I don’t qualify.

So I've worked for this company for 7+ years and finally had enough. For example, my job takes 3-6m to get a feel for and years to become comfortable, kinda a niche field. I get to stare at a bunch of graphs and set points on the computer all day and monitor how the location is performing. So I'm quitting at the end of the year due to lack of pay raises and other personal safety concerns, i.e. cutting corners. In the first year we were bought by a competitor and they flopped on making a progression schedule for employees. So a VP throws out a old progression schedule that gets throw around for 5 fucking years. Said VP was my RMs old mentor and RMs office is here, but is over 6 other locations. So we were the only location that was being held to said progression. Every other…

So I've worked for this company for 7+ years and finally had enough. For example, my job takes 3-6m to get a feel for and years to become comfortable, kinda a niche field. I get to stare at a bunch of graphs and set points on the computer all day and monitor how the location is performing.
So I'm quitting at the end of the year due to lack of pay raises and other personal safety concerns, i.e. cutting corners. In the first year we were bought by a competitor and they flopped on making a progression schedule for employees. So a VP throws out a old progression schedule that gets throw around for 5 fucking years. Said VP was my RMs old mentor and RMs office is here, but is over 6 other locations. So we were the only location that was being held to said progression. Every other location in the RMs area just promoted staff without using progression. So I sit down and talk, blah blah blah, kept getting same response,” We'll you have to follow the progression schedule and I'm sorry they keep changing it.” So 7+ yr, no promotion, so I tell them this is my last year and I'll help train new guy. They ask for a resignation letter now, 4m out, to try get a new guy on board, yeah man np.
New VP hired and understandingly says all people working before merger will get grandfathered in and appropriate raises. So that would be me, but because I was asked to put in letter way early to be a team player, I've already been written off. I won't get a raise because I, at the request of RM and Manager, put my letter in early to justify an opening for a new hire. I feel betrayed, I'm acting Lead Tech (lvl 5) and second senior employee working on a lvl 2 pay.

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