
I’m quitting my job and i’m fucking terrified

I’m 25 now, and i’ve been working my first corporate job for almost 3 years. I’m very lucky to be in my position, but i’m so miserable at my job. I’m not meant for the 9-5 grind. I hate having no time or energy for myself and I live alone. With inflation and everything skyrocketing, I can no longer live alone and afford everything. Even when I sat down with my bosses and explained to them the situation, I just got nods and “we only give raises during review time”. They gave me more clients, then when that review period rolled around, I didn’t even get enough of a raise to cover what inflation took from my paycheck. I’m financially independent from my parents but they’re very….traditional. I’ve told them I want to quit and my dad starts his “you’ll lose your benefits, you’re lucky to be making salary, when…

I’m 25 now, and i’ve been working my first corporate job for almost 3 years. I’m very lucky to be in my position, but i’m so miserable at my job. I’m not meant for the 9-5 grind. I hate having no time or energy for myself and I live alone. With inflation and everything skyrocketing, I can no longer live alone and afford everything. Even when I sat down with my bosses and explained to them the situation, I just got nods and “we only give raises during review time”. They gave me more clients, then when that review period rolled around, I didn’t even get enough of a raise to cover what inflation took from my paycheck.

I’m financially independent from my parents but they’re very….traditional. I’ve told them I want to quit and my dad starts his “you’ll lose your benefits, you’re lucky to be making salary, when I was YOUR AGE blah blah blah.” He is your stereotypical boomer white man reaganomics a-hole. I truly believe that mentality comes from the fact he didn’t have a choice because he had a family to take care of and he can’t handle the idea that someone does something for themself. Not trying to dunk on him because his hard work got me through college but I don’t have kids to put through college. It’s just me and my cat.

My best friend in Texas said I can live with her because A) we’re childhood besties forever B) she’s worried about living alone due to her disability C) She makes enough money from her job to sustain both of us (i wouldn’t do that to her though) and finally…I need a change. I’ve been in my home state my whole life. I want to discover myself and potentially start my own farm which my friend also wants to be involved in.

I’ve started packing and looking at serving jobs in texas. I haven’t told my parents I’ve officially decided to move yet because once I do, I will NEVER hear the end of it. And I’m fearful they still have enough emotional trauma over me to actually convince me not to do this. This would be the first time I really go against their wishes.

Just needed to vent and get this out somewhere. If anyone has picked their shit up and moved across the country away from all your family, I’d love to hear how it went for you.

Much love to all of you and thank you for listening (reading?) my stress rant. I hope whoever reads this is doing well

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