
I’m quitting my software dev job this week without notice

I just have two years of experience doing android development, and have been working at a small software company here in Mexico for the last year; but I feel it's a complete scam for the clients and employees. The CEO is completely incompetent, and knows nothing about project management, but he thinks he does. He definetly bites waaay more than we can chew, and every single project has had major issues. I fear for my reputation if I stay any longer, we've lost at least one team member each week without notice, and our tech stack is bigger than IBM's or Google's because the CEO thinks “it makes us more competitive”, but treats workers rights like carrots on a stick. He's basically built a company out of govmnt subsidized interns which he sells like mid level developers, and has us lie to the customers about our experience. The only ones…

I just have two years of experience doing android development, and have been working at a small software company here in Mexico for the last year; but I feel it's a complete scam for the clients and employees. The CEO is completely incompetent, and knows nothing about project management, but he thinks he does. He definetly bites waaay more than we can chew, and every single project has had major issues. I fear for my reputation if I stay any longer, we've lost at least one team member each week without notice, and our tech stack is bigger than IBM's or Google's because the CEO thinks “it makes us more competitive”, but treats workers rights like carrots on a stick. He's basically built a company out of govmnt subsidized interns which he sells like mid level developers, and has us lie to the customers about our experience. The only ones that have stayed longer than a year are the loyalists with no real skills.

I'm quitting without notice cus the bastard CEO is commiting tax fraud on our already low salaries, and I'm reporting it to the feds before leaving. That probably means huge fines and/or jail on top of lost contracts, as I'm the only real mobile dev. I will remind him how he made me go into meetings and get things done while having covid.
By mexican law, we're entitled to compensation even of we quit without notice; but the CEO has avoided paying it through loopholes to my former colleagues; he's not aware they gave me two laptops (one macbook and one hp, totalling more than what he would owe me) and 1 iphone without me signing anything for them, so if he wants to play rough, I'm thinking about just playing the “I shall return everything I signed for” card.

Then I'd go into freelancing, I've had too much getting the short end of the stick of developing for american customers but getting local bottom pay rate, wish me luck

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