
I’m ready to rage quit my job, but I’m in line for a pretty large EOY bonus. At what point can I quit and be legally obligated to still receive that bonus?

I'm not sure if this is the right sub for this, but you all seem to be pretty knowledgeable about worker's rights. I'm ready to quit my job, but I should be receiving a pretty large EOY bonus that I don't want to miss out on. According to prior communication from the company, which I do not have in writing, anyone employed as of 10/31 will be eligible to receive the bonus. We're obviously passed this date, but the company needs time to determine exactly what amounts each person is supposed to receive. This has been standard procedure in previous years. My EOY review will likely be next week. Typically, this is when they will give me the exact amount of my bonus, I will sign my review and obtain a copy for my records. My assumption is that this is the key date. Lastly, the bonus payment usually gets…

I'm not sure if this is the right sub for this, but you all seem to be pretty knowledgeable about worker's rights.

I'm ready to quit my job, but I should be receiving a pretty large EOY bonus that I don't want to miss out on. According to prior communication from the company, which I do not have in writing, anyone employed as of 10/31 will be eligible to receive the bonus. We're obviously passed this date, but the company needs time to determine exactly what amounts each person is supposed to receive. This has been standard procedure in previous years.

My EOY review will likely be next week. Typically, this is when they will give me the exact amount of my bonus, I will sign my review and obtain a copy for my records. My assumption is that this is the key date.

Lastly, the bonus payment usually gets deposited in early December.

When do you think it's safe for me to quit without sacrificing this bonus? My guess is that I need to get my EOY review signed first, but I could also see needing to wait until the money is actually in my account.

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