
I’m realizing how much my bosses traumatized me, and it’s disgusting.

I was 17 when I got my first job. And my managers and even coworkers would make me do things, bully me into feeling bad, and just take out their own bullshit on me. All throughout my life I've experienced people in my workplace mistreating me, and taking advantage of me every chance they could. I was a kid. You're telling me, their first instinct instead of guiding me was to bully me into submission? To take advantage of the fact that I didn't know the expectations, and make me feel as oppressed as they do? Thats disgusting. I've been yelled at for not knowing something, and then yelled at again for not asking how to do it when I did in fact ask, they were just ignoring me. I've worked months as a manager while being paid as a crew member, cos they kept promising they would “do the…

I was 17 when I got my first job. And my managers and even coworkers would make me do things, bully me into feeling bad, and just take out their own bullshit on me. All throughout my life I've experienced people in my workplace mistreating me, and taking advantage of me every chance they could.

I was a kid. You're telling me, their first instinct instead of guiding me was to bully me into submission? To take advantage of the fact that I didn't know the expectations, and make me feel as oppressed as they do? Thats disgusting.

I've been yelled at for not knowing something, and then yelled at again for not asking how to do it when I did in fact ask, they were just ignoring me. I've worked months as a manager while being paid as a crew member, cos they kept promising they would “do the paperwork.”

I've been bullied and falsely accused of physically injuring a coworker, but I never touched her. She kept pushing a cart in front of my work so I pushed it back, she was nowhere near it but she screamed and ran out, crying that I assaulted her. Everyone believed her, cos she was an older lady who had been with the company longer. The owner belittled tf out of me and made me feel worthless, he wouldn't even let me state my case.

I've had a manager refuse to let me go on bathroom breaks, saying I could only go on my 10, of which was the only break in a 5 hour shift (6 hours would prompt a 30). One night I asked her if I could go, since she was already at a register and covering. She said yes, so I went. Later that night she wrote me up, saying I abandoned my till. When I talked to the owner, she took her side and didn't listen to a word I said.

All these things happened because I was young, and didn't know any better. I didn't know how things worked, and I didn't know how to stand up for myself. So people exploited that every chance they could.

I'm finally working somewhere great with decent pay and an especially positive team. All my managers love me and I'll be getting promoted soon. But it's taking positive experiences like this one for me to take a step back and realize, wow, I do a lot of weird shit because I'm afraid of feeling powerless. Of being in the right but told, “No, fuck you.” And being punished.

I have trouble asking for help, or talking about pay or scheduling. I fear having issues with coworkers and having to say something to my managers. Everyday, in the back of my head it's “No, fuck you.”

Idk how relevant this is to the sub, but this is just one more way people are being mistreated in the workplace. It's not right we live in a society that seeks to exploit those who don't know any better, instead of teaching them and lifting them up. Nobody succeeds when we hurt others for our own benefit. Only by supporting each other will we all prosper.

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