
I’m resigning from my job because no one cared about crossing serious ethical boundaries.

Sorry for the rant and for this being on mobile. To elaborate: I’m quitting for more than this but this was my breaking point. My company cares more about making a minimal profit on a sponsored social media post than what the ramifications of that post would be. The post is in support of a “health” expo that actively boasts having speakers that spread horrific medical misinformation (ex. A talk on “Mercury in vaccines” from a former congressman with no medical experience; a panel discussion on the “dangers of 5G”; a talk on how radiation, chemotherapy and surgery aren’t doing anything to help people with cancer (and offer “alternatives” of course)). For a company that constantly says “go to your manager with any concerns” (I know) and to then be ignored when I bring things up I am done. As a social media manager, it’s my understanding that we have…

Sorry for the rant and for this being on mobile.

To elaborate: I’m quitting for more than this but this was my breaking point. My company cares more about making a minimal profit on a sponsored social media post than what the ramifications of that post would be. The post is in support of a “health” expo that actively boasts having speakers that spread horrific medical misinformation (ex. A talk on “Mercury in vaccines” from a former congressman with no medical experience; a panel discussion on the “dangers of 5G”; a talk on how radiation, chemotherapy and surgery aren’t doing anything to help people with cancer (and offer “alternatives” of course)). For a company that constantly says “go to your manager with any concerns” (I know) and to then be ignored when I bring things up I am done. As a social media manager, it’s my understanding that we have a duty to HELP with the cesspool that is the internet and do our best to keep from using our platforms to spread harmful rhetoric. And despite explaining that three different managers and the head of the company, not a single person listened.

So I’m quitting. I will not take a paycheck from a company that preaches how much they are doing to improve DEI internally and externally and then doesn’t bat an eye about promoting an event where one of the spotlighted speakers actively touts that vaccines cause autism. No money is worth that. Guess I’m going freelancer sooner than I planned. Wish me luck.

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