
Im scared I don’t know what to do.

I get bullied at every single job I work too. My first job was McDonald's and everything was going great until this manager started harassing me and then it went from one manager to all the managers and hey all hanged up on me and did things to provoke me constantly. I also was harassed by a gay manager and she ganged up on me. Then the workers started turning against me. All the guy workers would either tell me to shut up on the headset or threaten to physically hurt me. Then I left that job and went to another job and the manager expected me to know the whole menu in three days. I made a few mistakes and the workers gave me looks like they wanted to kill me. Then the manager fired me i end up working at a chicken place. The manager was a woman…

I get bullied at every single job I work too. My first job was McDonald's and everything was going great until this manager started harassing me and then it went from one manager to all the managers and hey all hanged up on me and did things to provoke me constantly. I also was harassed by a gay manager and she ganged up on me. Then the workers started turning against me. All the guy workers would either tell me to shut up on the headset or threaten to physically hurt me. Then I left that job and went to another job and the manager expected me to know the whole menu in three days. I made a few mistakes and the workers gave me looks like they wanted to kill me. Then the manager fired me i end up working at a chicken place. The manager was a woman who was jealous of me and so she started yelling at me arguing then I ended up quitting within 3 days. Also the fact that I was being harassed by the guys there. I go to the same place but a different location. The manager there was really evil, she made people quit on the first day. Every new hire would quit on the first day because of how awful the place was operating. I got harassed and called stupid by a customer and one of the managers pulls me in the office and says all i do is keep talking and never shut up and then he made the gesture. He blamed the situation on me and said that customer is a regular. So he gonna take her side and THINKS ITS RIGHT FOR ME TO LITERALLY BE CALLED STUPID!!!!!! God help me.
The other manager yelled at me when I told her I couldn't work on saturdays. I end up leaving and going to subway and I was bullied by the two managers there. One girl always had an attitude and she threw something at me. When I fought back she laughed and provoked me even more. The other manager laughed at started getting violent with me. Then she starts to physically assault me and physically throw items at me. Also the fact that there was a gay guy who was jealous because a male coworker was flirting with me so the jealous guy started throwing stuff at me and slamming stuff at me. Then he would asks things like “what's the tea on you and Chris?.” Almost every job that had a gay person, the person also ganged up on me whether they are lez or gay.
I end up quitting and going to another sun sandwhich place. Everything was going fine at first until the manager started getting impatient with me. She started to become hateful towards me. It was me and one other girl who got hired and she only started to pick on me. I had a Uber ride where this woman told me that I am too soft or I let people walk over me. She told me how I care too much of what others think. I see how I can be a push over. The manager started gossiping about me and I knew she was because the other girl started laughing and said “your mean.” I end up quitting that job and I get hired at a shoe place. Everything was going okay at first. Eventually I get s. Xually harassed by these two guys. One guy started to flirt and stare at my body. He would stand behind me. Not to mention one of the managers was a total jerk. I quit that job and remain jobless for eight weeks. Now I'm working at an Asian restaurant and not only did I get harassed by a guy here but now I'm being picked up. One of the girls hates me because I'm shy and barley talk so if I make a mistake she goes and tells the manager. The manager says I'm doing everything wrong and then talks about the fact that I can't lift 20 pounds when I am starving and barley can afford food. Before I had anorexia which makes it hard to gain weight . Now I can't afford food and I'm about to be homeless on the streets.

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