
I’m scared to lose my job that I haven’t even started yet

I live in TN which is a “right to hire, right to fire” state. I'm worried that if I don't meet the rxpectation of where I'm starting, they're going to fire me. How do I find a union? I'm working in food industry and we're one of the most abused work groups, but I've never even heard of a union for us. Should I try to make my own or at least lobby for one? I just don't want to get abused and/or fired.

I live in TN which is a “right to hire, right to fire” state. I'm worried that if I don't meet the rxpectation of where I'm starting, they're going to fire me. How do I find a union? I'm working in food industry and we're one of the most abused work groups, but I've never even heard of a union for us. Should I try to make my own or at least lobby for one? I just don't want to get abused and/or fired.

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