
I’m sick and tired of being told we’re a family.

I work at a prestigious place within London. So much so that we have Royal in our title. I won’t say anymore for fear of being reported on. It’s been almost four years and I’m still on £25k a year in mid manager position. We haven’t had a pay rise in that time. Inflation is through the roof. We just had a new Head of our the company join us. We had to recently sit through a full staff meeting where the head and chairman of the board told us we’re a family, they care about our mental health and how wonderful we all are for keeping the place running during a pandemic. I have had an increased workload because of the pandemic and been responsible for running Covid precautions in our workplace. The department I work in suffers from a huge lack of moral. Verbal abuse and anger from…

I work at a prestigious place within London. So much so that we have Royal in our title. I won’t say anymore for fear of being reported on.

It’s been almost four years and I’m still on £25k a year in mid manager position. We haven’t had a pay rise in that time. Inflation is through the roof.

We just had a new Head of our the company join us. We had to recently sit through a full staff meeting where the head and chairman of the board told us we’re a family, they care about our mental health and how wonderful we all are for keeping the place running during a pandemic.

I have had an increased workload because of the pandemic and been responsible for running Covid precautions in our workplace.

The department I work in suffers from a huge lack of moral. Verbal abuse and anger from other departments is part of our day to day life now. We’re told this behaviour is unacceptable.

Someone higher up is being moved “sideways” to a better higher paying job, yet we’re constantly told there’s no money for a 1% pay rise to help with living costs.

2 years ago, a colleague and close friend died at home. No one from the senior management team reached out to her friends to see how we were doing. They never let us have a memorial for her. Yet they care for a mental health?

I was once told I was unable to go and collect my partner from her day surgery unless someone could cover my shift. I had to go above my boss and get help from her manager to get the time off. That manager has now left due to the culture.

I have been shouted at and insulted by others within the workplace with no ramifications to those offenders. I don’t and never have trusted HR.

Half my wages go on rent/travel. I have very few savings to speak of. I’m tired of being grateful we have cool landlord who hasn’t raised our rent.

Yet, I believe them when I say we’re a family. My family is full of spiteful people who abused and demeaned others. My mental health is important to them as my dead friend is.

I work from home most of the time now and you can bet I do the bare minimum.

To the people in the senior team at my work place. Go fuck yourselves you bunch of self congratulatory sycophants.

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