
I’m sick of this.

I posted this on another sub, but as I’ve pondered it today, I thought it may also fit here. 2 years ago I started working for a vet clinic as a kennel tech. I was hired by the head tech. She was an older lady. Kinda had that tough exterior, but meant the best. The one I knew would be a problem was the only other vet tech that works here. She’s a horrible person. I mean, everything she says to people sounds like she’s talking to a child. The head tech (We’ll call her Mia) has said plenty of things I don’t agree with to me and the other kennel techs. However she is a lot easier to deal with. You can actually speak your mind with her and she’ll listen. Sadly she’s retired now With the other tech (We’ll call her Tina) now being the one in charge…

I posted this on another sub, but as I’ve pondered it today, I thought it may also fit here.

2 years ago I started working for a vet clinic as a kennel tech. I was hired by the head tech. She was an older lady. Kinda had that tough exterior, but meant the best. The one I knew would be a problem was the only other vet tech that works here. She’s a horrible person. I mean, everything she says to people sounds like she’s talking to a child.

The head tech (We’ll call her Mia) has said plenty of things I don’t agree with to me and the other kennel techs. However she is a lot easier to deal with. You can actually speak your mind with her and she’ll listen. Sadly she’s retired now

With the other tech (We’ll call her Tina) now being the one in charge with Mia gone, things have gone completely down hill. There have been several days in which I have been left alone to do the work of 4 people because everyone would just for some reason or another call out. Whenever something needs to be done Tina calls me. She sometimes has to walk past all the other kennel techs just to come get me. If she calls over the radio for someone, it’s me. If it’s not my off day, I’m expected to do appointments while the other girls work in the back.

We’re supposed to rotate who does appointments and who’s in the back. For example, if you’re in the back in the morning, then you do appointments in the evening. And vice versa. This rule was made by Tina after I spent a whole day in the back taking care of things. I guess it only applies to me.

Tina has also on more than one occasion knocked on the restroom door while I am inside saying she needs me to come do something and will wait for me to come out so that I can do it.

Tina has also talked crap to me about how I can’t just stay out of work. My car was down for 3 days. My car has been down before for regular maintenance, but my mother drove 45 mins to my house to take me to work for the entire time that I didn’t have my car.

I have only missed work due to being sick or the 3 days my car was down. I was hospitalized for 4 days. Of course I received texts from her asking when will I be back.

The last straw and the reason why I refuse to take anymore is because I was denied the right to leave early today. I informed her my parents (due to a separate situation) are desperately trying to get all of their things out of their house and will be homeless as of today. (They were only given 3 day notice.)

The people who were going to come help them didn’t show. My dad tried to lift some heavy furniture and now his eyes is bleeding. (It has something to do with pressure in his eyes I think). My mom asked if I could drive down and help. I asked Tina. She said no because another co worker was leaving early and implied her issue was more important.

I was very upset considering we have 4 people including me working today. Of course I don’t want to put more stress on the girls who would be left here, but I hardly ask for anything last minute. I always give notice when I can. And the fact that people had been allowed to leave me to work alone is irritating.

Finally I just decide fine I’ll stay and in the meantime look for work elsewhere as I’m not being treated fair anyway.

3 hours later I ask said coworker if she was leaving. She says she never had plans to and didn’t even know about Tina saying it.

I have no idea what to do. I’m just burnt out and angry. So back to indeed for me.

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