
Im sick of this brainwashed capitalist world

I am homeless and I have been going on 4 years now. I left an abusive home when I turned 18 and it left me with a disorder that has me unable to work. Both the people around me and I kept trying to force myself to work. I haven't been able to keep a job for more than 3 months since I was 14 and I've lost more than one in only 2 weeks, despite trying all kinds of work. I came to accept the fact that I cant work and have devoted all my time to healing. However, every time I share my story for anyone who asks they start berating me and telling me that Im just being lazy and dont WANT to work, as if I enjoy being homeless. Ive applied for SSI and government assistance but nothing good ever comes of it. I only get…

I am homeless and I have been going on 4 years now. I left an abusive home when I turned 18 and it left me with a disorder that has me unable to work. Both the people around me and I kept trying to force myself to work. I haven't been able to keep a job for more than 3 months since I was 14 and I've lost more than one in only 2 weeks, despite trying all kinds of work. I came to accept the fact that I cant work and have devoted all my time to healing. However, every time I share my story for anyone who asks they start berating me and telling me that Im just being lazy and dont WANT to work, as if I enjoy being homeless. Ive applied for SSI and government assistance but nothing good ever comes of it. I only get woken up by cops at 3 in the morning telling me I have to move because people complained I was sleeping or because there are specific laws in that city against sleeping in public areas. Even a law against flying a sign toward cars. Society hates us for our unfortunate circumstances. We are seen and spoken about like we are just animals. I have become afraid to share my situation with people because they are all convinced there is no such thing as not being able to work. That it's impossible. And I hear it everyday, “what are you going to do then? You NEED to work to live, there is no other option.” The truth is I don't know. It's hard to see a future in this world. Ive been losing my last drops of faith and im surprised I've even held hope for this long…I wanted to get out of america to try to live and get government assistance elsewhere, only to find out it's impossible because I can't get a work or study visa… Im at a loss guys… Truly, painfully exhausted

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