
I’m so close to quitting my job. All it will take is one little incident and I’m done.

So, today at work I had a early day. Everytime I work these early shifts I always end up in a bad mood. The funny thing is I'm normally super calm and don't care. A really chill person to work with. But, the management is just next level stupid duting those times. Anyways, let's go to earlier today. I'm doing my job and doing all these different things. I finish something I was doing and I need to go to the bathroom. When duty calls it calls. On my way to the bathroom I saw a couple other things needed to be done right that instant. Took a few min and i did it. So, I go to the bathroom and I spend like a good 5-8 min in there. I come out and my manager is calling me. So, I go and see what she wants. She is all…

So, today at work I had a early day. Everytime I work these early shifts I always end up in a bad mood. The funny thing is I'm normally super calm and don't care. A really chill person to work with. But, the management is just next level stupid duting those times.

Anyways, let's go to earlier today. I'm doing my job and doing all these different things. I finish something I was doing and I need to go to the bathroom. When duty calls it calls. On my way to the bathroom I saw a couple other things needed to be done right that instant. Took a few min and i did it. So, I go to the bathroom and I spend like a good 5-8 min in there. I come out and my manager is calling me. So, I go and see what she wants.

She is all mad and saying I spent 30 minutes in the bathroom. I'm like “what the fuck are you saying?”. She's like I even timed you on my phone. I'm like “you're crazy what the fuck?”. She was like “I'm going to count that bathroom time as your break”. By this point I'm thinking about my next words. Cause I'm easily about to say something wild. But I choose against it and I take a deep break and calmly say “check the cameras you lunatic and come back to me. If you still want to bitch to me about it let me know. I'm not going to try and justify myself to your bullshit narrative you made up. Now if you are done harassing me im going to get back to work.”.

So a bit later I take my break I'm ENTITLED TOO BY CALIFORNIA LAW. At this point im hoping this idiot says something. The bitch didn't say shit. She probably checked the cameras and saw how goofy she looked. Cause it never got brought up again. These people here really test me. I'm not even “antiwork”. I'm anti bullshit. I'm literally one of the best workers there. The only thing though is I won't take dumb garbage. Especially to someone that is on a power trip. It's literally only that shift that's garbage. I rarely work it but when I do it always kills my mood. It's really only going to take one more incident before I'm just like fuck you guys and leave on the spot. I can just find another job. It's not like they are rare these days. But you know what is? A good worker that shows up everyday. Fuck them.

Also, I have history with this particular person. She's always the reason why I end up in a bad mood. So it might sound like I treat her with no respect. That is exactly how I treat her. I lost respect for her a lot time ago. I treat her how she treats me and other people.

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