
I’m so done with my DM. We ALL are.

Right, guess it's time to finally post on here after lurking and listening to Rslash reading this subreddit. I (22 nonbinary) work retail. We got a new Regional Manager, our District Manager quit because of him, and our new District Manager was hired because he's friends with the RM. DM immediately came off as pretentious and condescending. We all got a bad vibe and it got worse and worse as time went on. So my coworkers are a family. Yeah yeah, the whole corporate bs “this workplace is a family” whatever whatever, but this isn't that. We're actually all besties. We're very close, including with the Manager and Assistant Manager. We loved it. It made us love our jobs despite the typical irritating retail stuff. We were a well-oiled machine. And then DM came along. AM quit, then M and a keyholder did. DM had been talking down to them…

Right, guess it's time to finally post on here after lurking and listening to Rslash reading this subreddit.

I (22 nonbinary) work retail. We got a new Regional Manager, our District Manager quit because of him, and our new District Manager was hired because he's friends with the RM. DM immediately came off as pretentious and condescending. We all got a bad vibe and it got worse and worse as time went on.

So my coworkers are a family. Yeah yeah, the whole corporate bs “this workplace is a family” whatever whatever, but this isn't that. We're actually all besties. We're very close, including with the Manager and Assistant Manager. We loved it. It made us love our jobs despite the typical irritating retail stuff. We were a well-oiled machine.

And then DM came along. AM quit, then M and a keyholder did. DM had been talking down to them and insulted them behind their backs to other employees expecting them to agree and to step up to take those management positions. Also liked to call M “kid” despite them looking very similar in age. It felt extremely disrespectful. Plus M was only being paid less than a dollar than I am and they cut his commissions. I'm part time. DM also tossed out all of M's awards before he could take them home, and also got rid of anything that kept the back room comfortable for us. Any sign of a happy and friendly workplace. In addition he tossed out our little animal figurines without asking if we wanted to take them or something. A small thing that shouldn't matter, but we were mad. Those were our little guys! I understand professionalism and whatnot, but come on. Every store I've ever worked at has had a lil “mascot” or something. And it's not like we're a formal setting. Half of us can wear crop tops to work. He was also cornering employees to pressure them into the management positions aforementioned, especially the younger women. I'm not a woman (though he thought I was at first) and I faced this too. It was uncomfortable and genuinely felt like harassment the way he was going about it and talking to me. It felt very threatening. He was even trying to convince me to quit my other job for this. I'll also note that my second job is at an “adult” store and he reacted to me telling him that in a very…weird way. I'm sure you know what I mean by this. It made me feel so immensely awkward and uncomfortable despite it being something I'm extremely comfortable and even proud about otherwise.

So that's just setting the scene. Here's why I'm on here. This is The Incident.

I went in yesterday because I'd had enough and my coworkers were literally crying at work because of him and the stress and tension that followed him around. I went in to console them as I was already in the area and to tell him that I was quitting. I told him that I'm no longer comfortable and that the wonderful close knit work environment we had had deteriorated under him within the maybe 2 months he'd been around, and that I would be tendering my 2 weeks. All he could say was “ok”. I chatted with my coworkers and then left.

I got a notification today that my schedule had been updated. I thought it was next week's schedule, but nope. He had added a shift for tomorrow.

Here's the issue. I've had today, tomorrow and the day after booked off for a trip since right before he was hired. It's there. It's written. It's in the system. It's approved. The whole store knows about it. Everyone has been hyping me up about it, including M and AM (before he left). DM decided to schedule me anyway. My coworkers suspect that it's out of spite. Luckily the management working tomorrow is aware (and pissed at him) and planning accordingly, and now I have to call in and tell DM that I cannot come in as I am several hours away by train with nonrefundable tickets to the event I am attending and I was not even informed of the schedule being changed until the day before the “shift” he expects me to show up for.

I'll probably be back with an update if he throws a tantrum over the phone, which I do not doubt will happen. Wish me luck.

ETA: I forgot to mention that he was throwing out important documents that he's DEFINITELY going to need later on! Does he have any idea what he's doing? At all?

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