
I’m so fkn sick of this

I try and avoid the term ‘gaslighting’ bc I feel like it’s overused…but holy shit. I posted on this sub a while back about how my boss expects me to pick up overtime and fill in for a call-out last minute; but when I ask for a reasonable accommodation, such as leaving an hour early for an appointment, it’s met with reprimand and frustration. This is basically the same thing except this time she didn’t even ask me if I was available to work 12 hours on Sunday, she just put me on the schedule. I email her saying I don’t recall agreeing to this and will need to find someone to cover the last 4 hours of the shift, she replies ‘We had a conversation where you agreed to work on Sunday until 8’ (that was last Sunday, not this Sunday) ‘You can look for coverage but otherwise I’m…

I try and avoid the term ‘gaslighting’ bc I feel like it’s overused…but holy shit. I posted on this sub a while back about how my boss expects me to pick up overtime and fill in for a call-out last minute; but when I ask for a reasonable accommodation, such as leaving an hour early for an appointment, it’s met with reprimand and frustration.

This is basically the same thing except this time she didn’t even ask me if I was available to work 12 hours on Sunday, she just put me on the schedule. I email her saying I don’t recall agreeing to this and will need to find someone to cover the last 4 hours of the shift, she replies ‘We had a conversation where you agreed to work on Sunday until 8’ (that was last Sunday, not this Sunday) ‘You can look for coverage but otherwise I’m expecting you to be there.’

I like have indeed open in another tab I’m so fucking sick of this shit. I have been with the company for a year and a half and pulling 56 hour weeks on average since February. Fill up my tank twice a week to go all over the state for this woman and that’s just being a team player, but I need an evening off (that I didn’t even agree to work in the first place) and that’s unacceptable?

On more than one occasion my boss has scheduled me to be in two places at once, and then when I make her aware of this (she does not take kindly to finding out she’s incorrect) she makes ME find staffing for one of the locations I’m scheduled at. Most days I can almost guarantee that I will need to stay an hour or more after my shift time is scheduled to end, I’ll get asked ‘can you fill in at such&such location from 8-4?’ Get there and find out my name is on the schedule until 6.

I went through a whole ‘fuck u I quit’ stage in my early 20s along with a bunch of other stupid mistakes, so I’m trying to move past that. Shits different now that I have my own health insurance and financial obligations; but at what point does enough become enough? I know there is no perfect job but right now I have very little work life balance and my mental health is taking a hit. Dilemma is the company is just like shelling it out to me rn because they know they’re exploiting me, but it’s like where were these deep pockets when I was making 14 an hour?

Idk sorry for the rant I just needed to get it out somewhere. It feels like I give an inch they take a mile, I need a foot they don’t have an inch

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