
I’m so fucking tired of everything

I'm in a city where inflation is one of the highest among big cities in the entire country. It costs me 80-90$ to fill up my regular ass 16 gallon car. I can hardly afford food. I need dental work, can't afford that either of course. Can't go to the gynecologist. I'm stuck living in my fiance's family's home, and they're really judgemental and I hate being around them, let alone live with them. But it's my only option. My parents are across the country and abusive. I can barely afford to live here (they charge rent) and I definitely can't afford to live anywhere else. Being a young person in today's economy feels completely fucking impossible. I can't cope. I'm depressed all the time, to the point where I regularly think of hurting myself. I feel empty and hopeless. I hate it here. And I'm out of a job…

I'm in a city where inflation is one of the highest among big cities in the entire country. It costs me 80-90$ to fill up my regular ass 16 gallon car. I can hardly afford food. I need dental work, can't afford that either of course. Can't go to the gynecologist. I'm stuck living in my fiance's family's home, and they're really judgemental and I hate being around them, let alone live with them. But it's my only option. My parents are across the country and abusive. I can barely afford to live here (they charge rent) and I definitely can't afford to live anywhere else. Being a young person in today's economy feels completely fucking impossible. I can't cope. I'm depressed all the time, to the point where I regularly think of hurting myself. I feel empty and hopeless. I hate it here. And I'm out of a job right now and I'm so fucking stressed about it, about how I'm going to pay any of my bills, about how I'm going to find a new job. They say everyone's hiring but nobody ever gets back. This system is built against us and I genuinely don't know how much longer I can take it.

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