
I’m so mad about quiet quitting. Employees are lazy.

Sure we have record profits, but we’re not giving raises this year because the economy might cut into those profits. As a team player, I know you understand. But we value you! Hey, how come no one talks in meetings anymore? I even put together a Halloween contest. How come no one participated? Tomorrow is culture-building pizza day. We expect anyone within 90 miles to attend so we can show our appreciation. All work must still get done by the end of the day. Go team!

Sure we have record profits, but we’re not giving raises this year because the economy might cut into those profits. As a team player, I know you understand.

But we value you!

Hey, how come no one talks in meetings anymore?

I even put together a Halloween contest. How come no one participated?

Tomorrow is culture-building pizza day. We expect anyone within 90 miles to attend so we can show our appreciation. All work must still get done by the end of the day.

Go team!

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