
I’m SO over the empty lip service corporations give mental health.

I'm sure I'm not the only one on this sub who's working for one of those large companies that has commercials about “taking care of your mental health!” and found their words to be completely empty. I currently work for a certain communications company that has a significant event every year about mental health issues, there's a fundraiser and everything. That's all well and good, but when you recognize that mental health is important and then completely fail to accommodate your workers who have those struggles, it's just performative nonsense. I have a co-worker who is on the spectrum. They sometimes force her to come in on her days off, throwing off her schedule, and that puts her through a loop that effects her mental health for days or even weeks to come– or so it seems to me. I haven't yet breeched the gap between co-worker and friend yet,…

I'm sure I'm not the only one on this sub who's working for one of those large companies that has commercials about “taking care of your mental health!” and found their words to be completely empty.

I currently work for a certain communications company that has a significant event every year about mental health issues, there's a fundraiser and everything. That's all well and good, but when you recognize that mental health is important and then completely fail to accommodate your workers who have those struggles, it's just performative nonsense.

I have a co-worker who is on the spectrum. They sometimes force her to come in on her days off, throwing off her schedule, and that puts her through a loop that effects her mental health for days or even weeks to come– or so it seems to me. I haven't yet breeched the gap between co-worker and friend yet, so I haven't asked directly.

I, myself, have ADHD and had to go off medication for a while. It impacted my performance to a small degree, everything got done, just some small details were out of place. Got reprimanded for it.

Like…why are we all still being held to the standards of neurotypicals while the company recognizes and “advocates” for the neurodivergent?

anyway. Rant over. Just fuming that we've reached a good level of general knowledge about mental health and mental disorders yet haven't actually made space for those of us who have to actually live it in their every day lives.

Any of y'all have any experience advocating for actual measures to be taken to accommodate for these scenarios?

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