
I’m so sick of jobs and their BS.

Firstly I believe in hard work and that’s the sad part. I grew up believing that life is fair. That you work hard to climb the ladder, work hard and be honest and you will be successful. Although I know not all jobs aren’t like this I have seen a lot of bs and holy crap am I sick of the games. I’m sick of knowing what they are doing and being fearful of saying anything because I don’t want to lose my income. I have such a hard time not getting depressed about it all… They low ball you on your salary then shame you for sharing your salary with co-workers because they don’t want you to find out. They expect you to give a two weeks notice but will fire you and take your income away on the spot for any reason. Will hire interns thinking they will…

Firstly I believe in hard work and that’s the sad part. I grew up believing that life is fair. That you work hard to climb the ladder, work hard and be honest and you will be successful. Although I know not all jobs aren’t like this I have seen a lot of bs and holy crap am I sick of the games. I’m sick of knowing what they are doing and being fearful of saying anything because I don’t want to lose my income. I have such a hard time not getting depressed about it all…

They low ball you on your salary then shame you for sharing your salary with co-workers because they don’t want you to find out.
They expect you to give a two weeks notice but will fire you and take your income away on the spot for any reason.

Will hire interns thinking they will get a job with the employer no damn well they won’t with the intern working the same hours as regular workers for no pay and employers get work for free.

Cutting hours to make sure they don’t have to pay for full-time worker benefits, playing favorites with people that are family, friends or teachers' pets.

Waste your time through their vague job ads, bs their way through and control the interview processes by not telling you everything you should know about the job to make an informed decision on taking the job or your salary. Let you get the job and then pile on other tasks that were not in the job description.

Don’t tell you the actual pay on the job application, then ask you what you made before so they can low ball you instead of paying market value for the position.
Bullshit you about promotions and raises.
Will literally lie to your face.

They do all of this then have the fucking Audacity to expect you to stay loyal to them. They’ll tell you “we are family” but treat you like you are a disposable peasant.
Fuck these shady jobs!

Thank you for listening.

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