
I’m so sick of not being able to find any good work options that value me

It seems like the only jobs I've been able to get are those that take advantage of vulnerable people. Jobs that make you believe they care until you realize too late that they're just using you. Million or billion dollar companies that hire you as a contractor when they could afford to pay what you deserve. It feels like it never ends, I finally found a job that I felt good with until they reduced my hours and gave away the position I expressed interest in to someone else. I know I try my absolute best. I never complain even when I'm overwhelmed. I know I need a new job and the fact that I have to look again is so disheartening. I feel at a loss.

It seems like the only jobs I've been able to get are those that take advantage of vulnerable people. Jobs that make you believe they care until you realize too late that they're just using you. Million or billion dollar companies that hire you as a contractor when they could afford to pay what you deserve. It feels like it never ends, I finally found a job that I felt good with until they reduced my hours and gave away the position I expressed interest in to someone else. I know I try my absolute best. I never complain even when I'm overwhelmed. I know I need a new job and the fact that I have to look again is so disheartening. I feel at a loss.

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