
I’m so sick of small businesses

I was let go from my seasonal work 3 weeks early, and its all a little sus. I requested a week and a half off two months ago and was approved, but it basically didn’t get covered. The manager had time to get extra help, and did sort of try, but the person who helps out occasionally and was supposed to help didn’t show so owners had to help pickup the slack. She still works there and is good friends with the owners of the biz. On Monday I was told to come back asap so I said I would come in today. Yesterday evening I was let go. The owners showed up to let me know, but the manager asked them to leave so he could tell me alone. I’m honestly relieved because I didn’t really want to go back, but the sudden lack of income sucks. He said…

I was let go from my seasonal work 3 weeks early, and its all a little sus. I requested a week and a half off two months ago and was approved, but it basically didn’t get covered. The manager had time to get extra help, and did sort of try, but the person who helps out occasionally and was supposed to help didn’t show so owners had to help pickup the slack. She still works there and is good friends with the owners of the biz.

On Monday I was told to come back asap so I said I would come in today. Yesterday evening I was let go. The owners showed up to let me know, but the manager asked them to leave so he could tell me alone. I’m honestly relieved because I didn’t really want to go back, but the sudden lack of income sucks. He said that the owners didn’t feel like I was committed to the job and that’s the reason I was let go. Also that I didn’t make them enough money, but I was given the slowest shifts. The manager has been a little shady lately so I feel like he maybe threw me under the bus so he didn’t face any consequences as they are upset with him for other things right now, but I don’t know this for sure.

The woman who was supposed to help cover has also been saying terrible things about me to the owners. She is very religious and basically said she didn’t trust me when she found out I was an atheist. The owners aren’t deeply religious, but do attend church. This woman has also been telling the owners that I have a terrible attitude (I’m great with customers) on top of not being about to be trusted because I’m an atheist. I was told all of this by the manager. I offered to help out if needed as they often do need extra help, but was told no and to turn in my key.

I’m unable to get unemployment because I didn’t work there long enough, and my previous job this year illegally classified me as an independent contractor so I can’t deal with that to get unemployment without opening a whole can of worms.

I’m so sick of small businesses, and their ability to screw people over. I wasn’t given a chance to even talk to the owners about anything. I’m a good, honest, reliable employee and would’ve liked to clear things up. It didn’t end on bad terms, and I’m happy about not being there, it just sucks to get fired for lame reasons.

Just needed to vent.

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