
I’m so stressed about the upcoming near future for myself.

I honestly don't even know where to go from here. I quit my job a week and a half ago because my narcissistic boss and I got into a huge fight where she basically said I'm a toxic person and that everyone hates their jobs because of me all simply because I was upset that I, as a manager, was not told the schedule changes she made that day. That was just the last of many many instances and I couldn't take it anymore so I left my keys in the desk and walked out. I had a job lined up that was really really promising and they said I am their number one choice but they still had to do two interviews after me since they already scheduled them. They told me today I didn't get the job but didn't provide a reason and now I feel lost. I've…

I honestly don't even know where to go from here. I quit my job a week and a half ago because my narcissistic boss and I got into a huge fight where she basically said I'm a toxic person and that everyone hates their jobs because of me all simply because I was upset that I, as a manager, was not told the schedule changes she made that day. That was just the last of many many instances and I couldn't take it anymore so I left my keys in the desk and walked out.

I had a job lined up that was really really promising and they said I am their number one choice but they still had to do two interviews after me since they already scheduled them. They told me today I didn't get the job but didn't provide a reason and now I feel lost. I've been applying to multiple jobs a day just in case but no one will hire me even when they call me in for interviews. I have 23 days to make $400 so I can pay my rent and everything just seems to be spiraling from here.

I'm torn between taking a job that is worth my effort and time or just working at Walmart for the money. My mental health is already terrible from the abuse of my last manager that I'm worried it's going to get worse if I take a job like Walmart but I don't have the time to search for something good.

I don't know if I'm looking for advice or just to rant but I just had to get my thoughts out somewhere and I don't have anyone to talk to right now so thank you all for reading.

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