
I’m so tired of being considered cheap labour

This is something that people who live in first world countries will never understand. It sucks having the same skills (and sometimes even more) than an American/European professional and only get to be paid $3-4 dlls per hour, with not benefits, not social security, just get nothing in exchange. I'm Mexican, young woman, bilingual, just recently graduated from law school. I've already achieved some work experience on international business and American business law, and guess what, all the jobs I've applied for only offer $500-$600 dlls per month with no benefits, 8-10 hours of work per day, no holidays. These American companies believe that just because I'm Mexican I deserve to be paid less, like they do not even offer benefits and treat you like if I should be grateful for talking to them. It's not fun being exploited by all of these international companies that treat us like a…

This is something that people who live in first world countries will never understand. It sucks having the same skills (and sometimes even more) than an American/European professional and only get to be paid $3-4 dlls per hour, with not benefits, not social security, just get nothing in exchange.

I'm Mexican, young woman, bilingual, just recently graduated from law school. I've already achieved some work experience on international business and American business law, and guess what, all the jobs I've applied for only offer $500-$600 dlls per month with no benefits, 8-10 hours of work per day, no holidays.

These American companies believe that just because I'm Mexican I deserve to be paid less, like they do not even offer benefits and treat you like if I should be grateful for talking to them.

It's not fun being exploited by all of these international companies that treat us like a second class citizens. It's frustrating and I'm just so sick that it doesn't matter how hard I try, I won't be able to be treated with respect and humanity.

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