
I’m so tired of working with people who are always looking to find someone else not working hard enough.

Mike called in again today? Good for him. Linda forgot to send that email? I don't give a shit. My boss sent an email this morning about a mandatory training for the software we use. One guy responded to let him know he was having surgery that day. My coworker who helps me with scheduling immediately blew up with “WHEN WAS HE GONNA TELL US?!” “His Dr appointment was yesterday. He probably just found out.” “WELL HES JUST GONNA HAVE TO RESCHEDULE” “He has a hernia. He's not rescheduling for a training on which buttons to click to close out a job.” I'm just so sick of this attitude every damn place I work. I expect it from the boss, but can't stand it from other workers. I work hard and I've never not been one of the best employees at a work place. I also don't give two shits…

Mike called in again today? Good for him.

Linda forgot to send that email? I don't give a shit.

My boss sent an email this morning about a mandatory training for the software we use. One guy responded to let him know he was having surgery that day. My coworker who helps me with scheduling immediately blew up with “WHEN WAS HE GONNA TELL US?!”

“His Dr appointment was yesterday. He probably just found out.”


“He has a hernia. He's not rescheduling for a training on which buttons to click to close out a job.”

I'm just so sick of this attitude every damn place I work. I expect it from the boss, but can't stand it from other workers. I work hard and I've never not been one of the best employees at a work place. I also don't give two shits about how anyone else is performing, how much they call out, or how little they care. Just leave people the fuck alone. It's not hard.

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