
I’m so unhappy, badly paid at my job that it’s driving me nuts

I'm a coordinator at a language school (I'm in Brazil btw), when I got promoted a year ago, I was so happy and I loved my new position, I felt like I was really making a difference…. But now my boss has showed her true colors and I can't stand it anymore. I just really wanna get another job and walk away so badly, but I need the money. My boss does not trust me at all, which prevents me from doing my job. You'd think she'd talk to me and give feedback but absolutely not. She is a passive-aggressive woman who pretends to be nice and caring but in reality she is making my life a living hell!!! I hate it so much having to go to work everyday. Even when something nice happens I feel numb/sad/undeserving…. The disrespect that I get everyday is absurd! Just needed to vent…

I'm a coordinator at a language school (I'm in Brazil btw), when I got promoted a year ago, I was so happy and I loved my new position, I felt like I was really making a difference…. But now my boss has showed her true colors and I can't stand it anymore. I just really wanna get another job and walk away so badly, but I need the money.
My boss does not trust me at all, which prevents me from doing my job. You'd think she'd talk to me and give feedback but absolutely not. She is a passive-aggressive woman who pretends to be nice and caring but in reality she is making my life a living hell!!!
I hate it so much having to go to work everyday. Even when something nice happens I feel numb/sad/undeserving…. The disrespect that I get everyday is absurd!

Just needed to vent and maybe get some advice

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