
I’m struggling at work

Hi, This is really last result, but I believe I am being antagonized at work. I am looking for a new job, however I have not received a request for interviews as of yet or any call backs. But I need some guidance on what to do in the meantime as we do not have HR or an employee hand book. I am not financially able to quit unless I am to be fired in order to collect unemployment. I work in a high stress job itself. But the added stress is what is bothering me. I am wrongfully accused about things I do not do and have documentation as we use time stamps and signatures. However with documentation I am still accused. I am asked to correct others mistakes, again all documented in the computer. I am yelled at, belittled by the manager and others. I can shake off…


This is really last result, but I believe I am being antagonized at work. I am looking for a new job, however I have not received a request for interviews as of yet or any call backs. But I need some guidance on what to do in the meantime as we do not have HR or an employee hand book. I am not financially able to quit unless I am to be fired in order to collect unemployment.

I work in a high stress job itself. But the added stress is what is bothering me. I am wrongfully accused about things I do not do and have documentation as we use time stamps and signatures. However with documentation I am still accused.

I am asked to correct others mistakes, again all documented in the computer.

I am yelled at, belittled by the manager and others. I can shake off the constant badgering but I end up coming home crying at the end of the day, I end up experiencing nightmares and terrors where I wake up crying and I come home and have hives all over my body. I am seeing my pcp to address these problems in a few days, so I’m hanging in.

I do not receive paid sick leave, so I’m either forced to come in Ill or in trouble if I take off time. I do not have set work hours and cannot leave until the job is done, but if I work too many hours I’m told to cut back. If I’m accused of rushing through something I’m told to slow down after being told not to go overboard.

This happens to a few colleagues also but I am looking on some tips on how to hang in there. Any advice is welcome 🙂

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