
I’m the Company Toilet (long post)

Lately I’ve been feeling like my companies toilet, where everyone dumps the shit they don’t want to deal with. For context, I work in the Energy Consulting Industry. Primarily residential with some light commercial, and primarily New Construction. I have my own list of tasks and clients, which already occupies my work week. As of late my boss has been trying to “transition” me into a new role. The work is significantly more advanced/technical and requires a much higher skill set than most our employees have. I’m quite excited about the new role. My problem is that nothing is being taken off my current list of responsibilities. My boss also loves to randomly dump is problems on me. We have about 300+ files over the last 3 years that were never submitted. If the file took longer than 5seconds to deal with, my boss basically dumped it into a folder…

Lately I’ve been feeling like my companies toilet, where everyone dumps the shit they don’t want to deal with.

For context, I work in the Energy Consulting Industry. Primarily residential with some light commercial, and primarily New Construction. I have my own list of tasks and clients, which already occupies my work week.

As of late my boss has been trying to “transition” me into a new role. The work is significantly more advanced/technical and requires a much higher skill set than most our employees have. I’m quite excited about the new role. My problem is that nothing is being taken off my current list of responsibilities.

My boss also loves to randomly dump is problems on me. We have about 300+ files over the last 3 years that were never submitted. If the file took longer than 5seconds to deal with, my boss basically dumped it into a folder and ignored it. These folders are now my problem to deal with. With 3 years of program changes and software updates, it’s now a multi-month job to submit these files. I should mention my new role includes submitting the on-going new files our employees complete as well.

Another employee has been a huge headache as well. They’ve recently transitioned to a higher role, and has been dumping anything not in his “scope” on me. So now I’m doing my job, my “new role”, my coworkers past responsibilities, dealing with my bosses backlog of BS, and assisting with company development/employee training where my boss needs aid.

I’ve discussed this with my boss, and requested an update to my employment contract and heavy upgrade to salary. It’s met with mostly understanding responses, but as with most things, my boss shoves it off to the side and never progresses it.

It feels like he’s constantly more concerned with other employees who do significantly less. I know I’m an essential, almost irreplaceable part of the company at this point; but feel as though I’m one of the least cared about employees. If I left, I can think of a dozen+ tasks that would go unfulfilled.

I feel as though I can’t just not do the work that’s being assigned and not currently in my scope; as it following the trend, it ultimately makes for a bigger headache for me in the future. My skill set is 90% energy related; with not much job opportunity in my area; I can’t afford to take another unrelated job with a pay-cut.

I feel overworked, uncared for, unappreciated, and totally helpless with my options.

If you made it to the end, I thank you.
(Edited for spelling)

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