
I’m thinking of quitting my job this week without a backup

I’m sick and tired of my job. My bosses and I can’t ever see them to stay on the same page communication wise. Projects that are developed never reach fruition because of a slow, overly collaborative environment. Lately, I’ve been feeling like the workplace has become more toxic as both parties have realized we’re not a match. I’ve only been there for 5-6 months but right now, I live with an insane amount of dread every day. I can’t function on my weekends because all I can think about is the coming Monday. On this last Friday, I was issued a warning for something I’m too paranoid too reveal here. But it’ll suffice to say, it was a minor offense most businesses who have remote workers wouldn’t bother commenting on. I understand their position and took my licking with grace. But it really didn’t sit well with me. I have…

I’m sick and tired of my job. My bosses and I can’t ever see them to stay on the same page communication wise. Projects that are developed never reach fruition because of a slow, overly collaborative environment. Lately, I’ve been feeling like the workplace has become more toxic as both parties have realized we’re not a match.

I’ve only been there for 5-6 months but right now, I live with an insane amount of dread every day. I can’t function on my weekends because all I can think about is the coming Monday.

On this last Friday, I was issued a warning for something I’m too paranoid too reveal here. But it’ll suffice to say, it was a minor offense most businesses who have remote workers wouldn’t bother commenting on.

I understand their position and took my licking with grace. But it really didn’t sit well with me. I have a private life as a creator and I can’t help but feel like they’ll fight to stifle that if it becomes a more powerful force in my life. Again, I’m being very vague.

I have several months of income saved and think I can survive until I find a new job. My partner is supportive. I might pursue more freelancing. But honestly, I just can’t deal with this dread anymore. It’s eating up every waking moment of my life.

I feel a sense of failure because this is my first white collar job and I’m ready to bail so soon. But I literally started on Zoloft because of this place.

This isn’t as dramatic a story as others, I know. But I could use some support and kind words (and maybe reassurances that I can make it work).

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