
I’m tired of being lied to during job application processes. Give me what I asked for or I’m quitting, period. I’m not a machine

I’ve spent the better part of 5 years trying to find a job that allows me to actually survive. I’ve done the math, I know how many hours I have to work and for how much, just to be able to LIVE somewhere. It’s the same story every time. I apply, I interview, seems like a good deal and they assure me most employees get at least 40 hours a week, and I start working. Then 2 weeks in, I start working less and less hours, slowly begin to be treated more like a machine, and I get sick of it and I quit. Im so sick of job hunting. Take my current job. I work as a front dest assistant at a urologists office for $15.80/hr. I was told I would be getting full time, at least 40 hours a week, and sometimes some over time. Great. Let me…

I’ve spent the better part of 5 years trying to find a job that allows me to actually survive. I’ve done the math, I know how many hours I have to work and for how much, just to be able to LIVE somewhere. It’s the same story every time. I apply, I interview, seems like a good deal and they assure me most employees get at least 40 hours a week, and I start working. Then 2 weeks in, I start working less and less hours, slowly begin to be treated more like a machine, and I get sick of it and I quit. Im so sick of job hunting.

Take my current job. I work as a front dest assistant at a urologists office for $15.80/hr. I was told I would be getting full time, at least 40 hours a week, and sometimes some over time. Great. Let me work, I need the money. Fast forward 2 months, I’m working 25 hours a week, and gas is like half a paycheck. I talk to the practice manager who says “well I can’t controll what time clinic ends.” Most weeks, I’m not put on the schedule at all for one day, and some weeks I’m on call on another day, which if I don’t go in, I’m not paid for. I feel like every single job I’ve had lies on the application and takes advantage of me, then deflects the blame saying “there’s nothing we can do.”

Fuck that. Don’t lie. Get people actually willing to work for your shitty practice. I’m quitting the moment I can. Hopefully the next job won’t take advantage of me but I doubt it. Fuck this

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