
im tired of making little money but having all this responsibility on my back. i wish we could unionize or something i dont know

sometimes i think about the fact i make about 13 bucks currently as an assistant store manager of a busy retail store in the mall, meanwhile down the street you can make $15 an hour for being a cart retriever. no shame to cart retrievers all jobs are valid and real jobs. no one should make starvation wages, im saying more of us should make MORE for the work we do. im responsible for a portion of this companys sales, im responsible for upholding their image and sales through both my physical labor and customer service. im responsible for making sure this store is up and running. im responsible for all the employees under me and to make sure theyre doing their jobs to again, make this company their money. i dont get paid enough to survive on my own. im privileged that i live with family right now. you…

sometimes i think about the fact i make about 13 bucks currently as an assistant store manager of a busy retail store in the mall, meanwhile down the street you can make $15 an hour for being a cart retriever. no shame to cart retrievers all jobs are valid and real jobs. no one should make starvation wages, im saying more of us should make MORE for the work we do.

im responsible for a portion of this companys sales, im responsible for upholding their image and sales through both my physical labor and customer service. im responsible for making sure this store is up and running. im responsible for all the employees under me and to make sure theyre doing their jobs to again, make this company their money.

i dont get paid enough to survive on my own. im privileged that i live with family right now. you have to make 3x rent in most places in my area at the lowest, meanwhile i can barely make 1.2k a month busting my ass. i feel so bad for my coworkers who aren’t managers too because they work incredibly hard for $10 a fucking hour in my state. they bust their ass way more than other jobs that make more than them – again its fine others make more – im saying these people at my company should be making more TOO!

i wish we could unionize. a lot of employees are too scared in most places. a lot of unionized employees of other companies are getting fired for organizing together.

i love other aspects of my job. essentially i can wear almost whatever i want and be myself. i love a lot of the product at the store. its a fun job outside of the typical retail struggles. but its not worth the pay. when i have to be on my own, i know ill have to leave the company and that pains me because i dont know many other jobs where ill be able to be myself.

also this fucking compnay makes us cut hours if we arent making a certain amount of money even though they can definiately afford to give us consistent hours but they want to save as much money as possible despite making ton of profit im sure on all the expensive ass marked up product we sell. i hate it.

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1) i cant get another job. i have specific details i cant share without risking exposing my identity (which will get me in trouble) that make it to where most other jobs i wont be safe, mentally or physically. i know its vague, sorry.

2) even if i got another job thats not the point. people after me in my job, other people in this company and others all over the world are suffering this same situation. its not just about me

3) i have a career im going towards so this job isnt a forever one at all, no. im iust frustrated at the current situation and for my coworkers and everyone else in the company and other workers across the nation. again, not iust about my specific situation. this is a problem in a LOT of places, especially with retail and food

my career will make me money, so as long as i do well in the trade i want to pursue ill be just fine. but its not just me im worried about

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