
I’m tired of my job making me jump through hoops

The restaurant I’ve been working at for the past two years refuses to give me a raise. I keep bugging them about it and the tell me do this or that. I got do those things only to get another hoop it’s stupid it was oh yea your a great employee you’ll get one after the holidays. Then it changes to oh you have to update your food handlers so I Redo that Wich I have to do off the clock and pay for with my money. Then they change it to oh you gotta takes these tests to get certified in positions in the store so I take the tests they tell me I passed them. A few months later of me begging never mind you failed those tests and now have to take them on our new training system. I’m so done only reason I’ve stayed is because…

The restaurant I’ve been working at for the past two years refuses to give me a raise. I keep bugging them about it and the tell me do this or that. I got do those things only to get another hoop it’s stupid it was oh yea your a great employee you’ll get one after the holidays. Then it changes to oh you have to update your food handlers so I Redo that Wich I have to do off the clock and pay for with my money. Then they change it to oh you gotta takes these tests to get certified in positions in the store so I take the tests they tell me I passed them. A few months later of me begging never mind you failed those tests and now have to take them on our new training system. I’m so done only reason I’ve stayed is because I got a big vacation planned for September. By this point idk if it’s even worth a raise to get me to stay.

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