
I’m tired of my work, but I don’t know what to do

That's it. I'm done. O don't know if this post will be deleted. Just trying to putting this out of my chest. I'm working for a Interior Design Studio in Portugal. But I live in Brazil. Working remotely for them since 2019, and my wage is just €1.100 (± R$ 5.500). It's not a great salary, but it's “ok” for where I live. Since 2019, I never took a week off. Never! When I ask for that, they just said “we will see this, but not now because we're busy”. And sometimes, I work on weekends and much more than 8 hours a day. It's impossible to travel or make anything else. I started a relationship in 2019, and we never traveled together. Today, they ask me for “little changes” in 12 images, to delivery tomorrow morning. That's insane! It's impossible to do that, even if I work nonstop. The…

That's it. I'm done. O don't know if this post will be deleted. Just trying to putting this out of my chest.

I'm working for a Interior Design Studio in Portugal. But I live in Brazil. Working remotely for them since 2019, and my wage is just €1.100 (± R$ 5.500). It's not a great salary, but it's “ok” for where I live. Since 2019, I never took a week off. Never! When I ask for that, they just said “we will see this, but not now because we're busy”. And sometimes, I work on weekends and much more than 8 hours a day. It's impossible to travel or make anything else. I started a relationship in 2019, and we never traveled together. Today, they ask me for “little changes” in 12 images, to delivery tomorrow morning. That's insane! It's impossible to do that, even if I work nonstop. The average for that kind of work is 2, 3 days to do a work with 1 or 2 images.

I'm feeling tired, sad. I constantly feel like I'm a terrible boyfriend, because I always tired, just thinking to sleep on “free times”. Looks like I'll never achieve something in my life. I graduated in Architecture, but the wages are terrible for the large amount of work. I love what I do, but I would just like to get what I deserve for my work and have a bare minimum amount of consideration from employers.

I want to improve my english to get better payed jobs from US, but too tired to study and practice. Don't know what to do. Just tired of everything.

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