
I’m tired over overachieving expectations.

I'm currently on a training call and the presenter is talking about how to 'effectively use your down time'. They listed things like: reading an industry article, make a Linkedin post, ask others if they need help, etc. I'm sick of this nonsense. At no point was any of the following mentioned: have a cup of coffee without thinking about work, calling a loved one, relaxing, go for a walk, etc. I hate this growing expectation that every second most be utilized in a 9 hour day (8am-5pm with the expectation of having a 30 minite lunch usually at your desk). Also on this 'training' we are being advised to use after hours time to figure out ways to be more effective/efficient as if I give two flying fucks about my work when I'm not required to. I don't want to network, i don't want more tasks or more responsibilities.…

I'm currently on a training call and the presenter is talking about how to 'effectively use your down time'. They listed things like: reading an industry article, make a Linkedin post, ask others if they need help, etc. I'm sick of this nonsense. At no point was any of the following mentioned: have a cup of coffee without thinking about work, calling a loved one, relaxing, go for a walk, etc. I hate this growing expectation that every second most be utilized in a 9 hour day (8am-5pm with the expectation of having a 30 minite lunch usually at your desk). Also on this 'training' we are being advised to use after hours time to figure out ways to be more effective/efficient as if I give two flying fucks about my work when I'm not required to. I don't want to network, i don't want more tasks or more responsibilities. I want to be done with my day at 5 and think about work as little as possible when the working day is done. I'm sick of the Office Space mentality of 'With every decision you make, ask yourself, is this good for the company?'.

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