
I’m tracked by productivity to the minute, which makes me far less productive.

Anonymous for obvious reasons. I’m part of a company that has had really bad turnover in the last couple years. The pay is low, the management is stuck in their ways, and the new head at the top is trying to reinvigorate the department by setting new goals. Here’s the thing: the old goals were totally bull. And the system in place requires us to track literally minute by minute so they can keep track of productivity. They would be far more productive changing the team dynamic and actually working as a team but as it is, half the people are overworked and half are underworked. I come on here a lot with my main and just needed to vent, this doesn’t seem the most productive use of my time- recording and recording and recording. I could be doing other things.

Anonymous for obvious reasons. I’m part of a company that has had really bad turnover in the last couple years. The pay is low, the management is stuck in their ways, and the new head at the top is trying to reinvigorate the department by setting new goals.

Here’s the thing: the old goals were totally bull. And the system in place requires us to track literally minute by minute so they can keep track of productivity.

They would be far more productive changing the team dynamic and actually working as a team but as it is, half the people are overworked and half are underworked.

I come on here a lot with my main and just needed to vent, this doesn’t seem the most productive use of my time- recording and recording and recording. I could be doing other things.

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