
I’m trippin

Okay so I’m turning 26 soon and I woke up this beautiful Monday morning so fucking irritated that I’m waking up early just to sign on to my stupid computer and move the mouse around for 8 hours. I’m exhausted and sad and clueless as to wtf led generations of people to comply with the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. It’s not even efficient. I can get the “work” done in an hour, but I have to waste all this sunshine just sitting here to collect enough money to barely survive. Idk I just feel like everyone who tells me to “just be happy” hasn’t been happy a day in their entire life. Idk what I’m expecting here. I know I’ve gotta make the life I want but it feels so fucking debilitating to sit here and be talked at by literal idiots who think our completely inessential labor is…

Okay so I’m turning 26 soon and I woke up this beautiful Monday morning so fucking irritated that I’m waking up early just to sign on to my stupid computer and move the mouse around for 8 hours. I’m exhausted and sad and clueless as to wtf led generations of people to comply with the stupidest shit I’ve ever seen. It’s not even efficient. I can get the “work” done in an hour, but I have to waste all this sunshine just sitting here to collect enough money to barely survive. Idk I just feel like everyone who tells me to “just be happy” hasn’t been happy a day in their entire life. Idk what I’m expecting here. I know I’ve gotta make the life I want but it feels so fucking debilitating to sit here and be talked at by literal idiots who think our completely inessential labor is saving lives or something. I know that I will build a life for myself I enjoy. It’s just that at the moment I feel so burnt out mentally and emotionally that I have a hard time finding the energy to work on developing the skills and networks with people I enjoy. In summary, I’m mad, apparently my thoughts are wildly disorganized, I feel fucking lost and this 40 hr work wk takes such a toll on me that it’s hard to enjoy and nourish the parts of my life that I love.

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