
I’m Vice President of the black student union and the president doesn’t respect me

I joined because I wanted the union at my school to do union stuff. Fight for lower tuition and raised graduation rates, better pay for teachers, more tutors, paying college athletes what they make in games, union stuff. All the president wants to do is talk about micro aggressions and feelings with other black students. And plan fun events. That’s…cool I guess? But unions actually change stuff, right? Yet when I say an idea, the president is like “no, it won’t be on our agenda. That’s not our job. End of discussion. Your ideas are nice, but bsu will not include them.” Like…barely anyone comes to the meetings. There’s 4 people on the board. I’m like, can we at least vote on if my ideas should be acted on? She’s like, “no. This discussion is over.” It sucks because I’m so passionate about this group and have so many idea.…

I joined because I wanted the union at my school to do union stuff. Fight for lower tuition and raised graduation rates, better pay for teachers, more tutors, paying college athletes what they make in games, union stuff. All the president wants to do is talk about micro aggressions and feelings with other black students. And plan fun events. That’s…cool I guess? But unions actually change stuff, right? Yet when I say an idea, the president is like “no, it won’t be on our agenda. That’s not our job. End of discussion. Your ideas are nice, but bsu will not include them.” Like…barely anyone comes to the meetings. There’s 4 people on the board. I’m like, can we at least vote on if my ideas should be acted on? She’s like, “no. This discussion is over.” It sucks because I’m so passionate about this group and have so many idea. How would you all handle this situation? We aren’t even the official board yet as we get sworn in today, so the others are still in power.

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