
I’m willing to put in the work and the hours but I can’t have flexibility?

It's a warehouse job picking stuff like candy and tobacco products. I had been working here the past few months as a temp through instawork. Apperantly they prefer people have 500 hours on instawork before they get hired on through the company. I was at around 300 hours the second time I applied, the first time I let one of the supervisors know and never heard anything back. At the same time they hire people who apply directly through the company website, which is what I did. I work with two kids fresh out of high school who are dating and the boy follows around the girl like a puppy most of the shift. Meanwhile there's people who have been working overtime, 2 pm start and getting done around 10 am. 14, 16, 18 hour shifts. I don't think few select people should be working those hours while everybody else…

It's a warehouse job picking stuff like candy and tobacco products. I had been working here the past few months as a temp through instawork. Apperantly they prefer people have 500 hours on instawork before they get hired on through the company. I was at around 300 hours the second time I applied, the first time I let one of the supervisors know and never heard anything back. At the same time they hire people who apply directly through the company website, which is what I did. I work with two kids fresh out of high school who are dating and the boy follows around the girl like a puppy most of the shift. Meanwhile there's people who have been working overtime, 2 pm start and getting done around 10 am. 14, 16, 18 hour shifts. I don't think few select people should be working those hours while everybody else gets to clock in and clock out after their 8 or 10 hours. It's like a beggars can't be choosers kind of thing, like we clearly need more people so the ones already here aren't overworked and they're adding these stipulations like man wtf what kinda logic is this. I got hired onto the company this week and began talking with the supervisor about my hours and I was asking if I could do morning to evening shifts the first two days of the work week, have a day off, then work two late night shifts. The hours would add up to 40 and I'd probably do overtime at some point. What's got me kinda pissed is that people work all kinds of different schedules here, people coming in at all hours of the day and the supervisor seems strict with me on my hours. I'm a good worker, fuck this place.

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