
I’m working 11 hours with no overtime pay or breaks on Labor Day

I work at a call-center and they are having us come in on Labor day for 11 hours. Usually if someone works through the whole day, as I have before, they give you an extended lunch break. For whatever reason, this day we do not get a lunch break. Moreover, we do not get paid time and a half and was told that we only get overtime pay if we work over 48 hours a week. I've been dreading working on Monday because of this but unfortunately I need the money. Their reasoning behind this is that it shouldn't be too busy but that's never a guarantee. So I'm just supposed to starve myself for unlivable wages? It's safe to say that I've applied for other jobs since I found out. I was never one to hold a job for too long because I can't stand being uncomfortable or disrespected…

I work at a call-center and they are having us come in on Labor day for 11 hours. Usually if someone works through the whole day, as I have before, they give you an extended lunch break. For whatever reason, this day we do not get a lunch break. Moreover, we do not get paid time and a half and was told that we only get overtime pay if we work over 48 hours a week. I've been dreading working on Monday because of this but unfortunately I need the money.

Their reasoning behind this is that it shouldn't be too busy but that's never a guarantee. So I'm just supposed to starve myself for unlivable wages? It's safe to say that I've applied for other jobs since I found out. I was never one to hold a job for too long because I can't stand being uncomfortable or disrespected in the workplace.

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