
I’m working 14 days in a row because a co worker fucked off without approval.

Im a nurse at a single nursing site. Yeah it sucks she is from the Philippines and misses her family she had been worked into the ground and raked over the coals with mistakes she has made while tired. Her family bought her a ticket and she just left. Typically as a nurse you can be compelled to stay against your license due to an “abandoning your charge” clause in single nurse sites that require 24 hour nursing care. Typically if someone calls in and no one can cover the previous nurse is held there until relief can be found. I offered to cover the shifts at triple rate (more than what agencies cost) and since management can't compel a nurse to stay if someone offered to take the shifts. Here I am making triple rate. I'm glad she went to Phillipines and I am glad she is doing some…

Im a nurse at a single nursing site. Yeah it sucks she is from the Philippines and misses her family she had been worked into the ground and raked over the coals with mistakes she has made while tired. Her family bought her a ticket and she just left.

Typically as a nurse you can be compelled to stay against your license due to an “abandoning your charge” clause in single nurse sites that require 24 hour nursing care.

Typically if someone calls in and no one can cover the previous nurse is held there until relief can be found.

I offered to cover the shifts at triple rate (more than what agencies cost) and since management can't compel a nurse to stay if someone offered to take the shifts. Here I am making triple rate. I'm glad she went to Phillipines and I am glad she is doing some self care, were working to live not living to work.

We're in a shortage… our wages weren't adjusted for inflation nor are they competitive to attract nurses from hospitals.

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