
In regard to to nail salon posting that has been deleted…

I really hops this sub doesn't start encouraging people to act like terrible employees and damage businesses by laying ALL blame on the boss when someone does blatantly act like a P.O.S. I like this sub and I do hope it helps make changes for the better in the workplace, but I would hate to see it devolve into some place for employees to screw employers and brag about it. It was good to see that some, if not most, commenters felt similarly.

I really hops this sub doesn't start encouraging people to act like terrible employees and damage businesses by laying ALL blame on the boss when someone does blatantly act like a P.O.S. I like this sub and I do hope it helps make changes for the better in the workplace, but I would hate to see it devolve into some place for employees to screw employers and brag about it.

It was good to see that some, if not most, commenters felt similarly.

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