
In what world does the author of this post from The Atlantic lives?

​ Seriously? Ok, I did the math: 24 hours a day – 8 hours asleep = 16 “waking” hours a day (I am being generous here), minus 8 hours working = 8 “free” hours, times 5 = 40 hours working a week. If we have 112 “waking” hours a week, then we have 112-40 “free” hours = 72. 72/40 is NOT 5, it is 1.8. 1.8 “free” hour for every labor hour. Also, the author does not consider that you do not sleep instantly when you lay on the bed, that your mind keeps working after your working hour even though you don't want it too, that you need the whole weekend to just recover, that you need to study BECAUSE of work and out of working hours because almost no employers will allow you to study during the job, that you need time to eat, go to the…

Seriously? Ok, I did the math: 24 hours a day – 8 hours asleep = 16 “waking” hours a day (I am being generous here), minus 8 hours working = 8 “free” hours, times 5 = 40 hours working a week. If we have 112 “waking” hours a week, then we have 112-40 “free” hours = 72. 72/40 is NOT 5, it is 1.8. 1.8 “free” hour for every labor hour.

Also, the author does not consider that you do not sleep instantly when you lay on the bed, that your mind keeps working after your working hour even though you don't want it too, that you need the whole weekend to just recover, that you need to study BECAUSE of work and out of working hours because almost no employers will allow you to study during the job, that you need time to eat, go to the bathroom and that you also have a lot of responsibilities and chores to do outside of your job.

Let's be more realistic now:

24 hours a day – 8 hours asleep – 15 minutes to fell asleep – 30 minutes in the bathroom – 30 minutes eating breakfast, – 30 minutes eating lunch – 30 minutes having dinner – 2 hours of daily chores (cleaning, cooking, paying bills, going to the groceries store, going to the drugstore, etc.) – 8 hours working – 2 hours commuting (for some people this is not needed) = 1.75 free hours a day

Now, if you have some disability, everything may be harder for your, so you may need maybe more time to do everything, so you would hardly have any actually time at all.

Doing the math again, we have 1.75 free hours divided by 8 working hours, we have 0.2 really free hour for every working hour, or around 13 minutes.

Yayyyyy, so much free time! life is wonderful.

Now you can say: 'But they are considering the time you are retired in this equation'. Oh, you say the time when you will barely be able to enjoy life at all, if you manage to get old? Hoorray! We can just die then when we are useless, right?

We are slaves, and they are trying to lie to us.

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