
Incompetence is hurting my pockets.

So I work for a unionized federal entity. And boy have they dropped the ball. I mailed a resignation letter back in July due to medical reasons. Was finally contacted and told to submit a new one. I physically drove the 5 hrs to submit it in person and had a supervisor sign it. It is September and it still has not be recognized. I called HR and they told me to track down both copies and email then in. I was told they would honor the original date of separation. So I did just that a few days ago. I still haven't heard anything. The thing is….I'm in LWOP status am still being charged for insurance premiums I'm not using bc I haven't been terminated yet despite me having a new job this entire time. My probation at my new job is almost up so ill have new insurance…

So I work for a unionized federal entity. And boy have they dropped the ball. I mailed a resignation letter back in July due to medical reasons. Was finally contacted and told to submit a new one. I physically drove the 5 hrs to submit it in person and had a supervisor sign it. It is September and it still has not be recognized.
I called HR and they told me to track down both copies and email then in. I was told they would honor the original date of separation. So I did just that a few days ago. I still haven't heard anything.
The thing is….I'm in LWOP status am still being charged for insurance premiums I'm not using bc I haven't been terminated yet despite me having a new job this entire time. My probation at my new job is almost up so ill have new insurance soon.
Do I go to the insurance companies with proof? Or do I hound HR to officially terminate me? I don't know what to do but I can't afford to owe my old company money when I took a sizeable decrease just to leave! I've worked hard at maintaining a great relationship with this company bc I want to continue to work in government. So I'm not sure how to proceed but I can't keep waiting on them to accept my resignation! It's about $35/week, and I'm already up to owing them over $300. Any one have an advice?

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